Central Deborah Gold Mine - Safety Induction Video


Central Deborah Gold Mine

Central Deborah Gold Mine is one of Bendigo’s favourite tourist attractions and they also happen to be one of our favourite clients.

The Problem

The Central Deborah needs to comply with the same safety regulations as a fully functioning gold mine which is no small feat. In order to stay on the front foot of these safety requirements, they needed an effective and engaging way to lead visitors through their safety induction. It’s pretty obvious that a video is the best way to do this but I’m sure you’ve snored through your fair share of boring safety induction videos.

At Hebron Films, we LOVE creating safety and compliance videos because contrary to common experience, they don’t have to be boring! A great safety video keeps the viewer engaged and interested. As one of the first things a visitor sees before their tour at the Central Deborah, the safety video is part of their whole tour experience and should build excitement and reflect the culture of the company.

We had great fun creating this video and hope that it informs and entertains Central Deborah visitors for years to come.

Caleb Maxwell